Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snow Day Again!

Another snow day. Can you believe it? I am certainly looking forward to the warm up this week!

I want to remind everyone that we will have library tomorrow! Don't forget to bring your library books back that you took home so that you can choose new ones and we can earn more beads!

Also, make sure you cozy up with some good books today! I still expect you to read at least 23 minutes today as I do every day! I encourage you to practice those sight words too!

Get outside and play in the snow too! We have so much of it and it will be great to get some fresh air!

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

100th Day of First Grade!

We celebrated the 100th day of school on Monday! (We counted the snow days!) We did a few activities, counted to 100 by 10s and 5s and had a special treat! I cannot believe we are already to this day in the school year! Time sure does fly when you are having fun! Keeping up the awesome work first graders!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Full Week!

Could it be that we will finally get a full week of school in? I sure hope so!

I just want to send a shout out to the kids for all of their fantastic work and effort since coming back from Christmas break! It has been sort of difficult to get back in the real swing of things with all the days off last month, but the kids are rolling with the flow and growing as students every day!

I get so excited to see their growth and more importantly their excitement for their own understanding and learning!

Keep up the AWESOME work 1st graders! You rock!

And don't forget to read 23 minutes EVERY night!! :)