Saturday, March 29, 2014


Hi First Grade Students and Families!

It was so great to be back in the classroom with the kids for a full week! I sure did miss them while I was gone!

I wanted to give a few reminders!

1. March is coming to an end which means we will be wrapping up Reading Month. Tuesday is the last day to turn in hour slips for reading month although we will be having our final celebration on Monday! If you have been reading, please make sure to fill out the hour slips and return them to me as soon as possible! There is a special prize for 10 hour readers and also 20 hour readers.

2. We do not have school on Friday. That is the first day of Spring Break! I hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable break from school.

3. There will not be home fun packets coming home on Tuesday due to the short week and then Spring Break. We will start up again after break!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me! :)

Monday, March 3, 2014


Hello 1st Graders and Families!

We had yet another cold day today, which is forcing us to stay inside at recess. I think we are all eagerly awaiting our time to get outside and run off some energy!

This month is reading month and we have so many fun things planned for everyone! Please make sure you are looking at the packet that came home with your child on Friday each night so you don't miss any of the fun! Tomorrow is our first electronic buster day! NO ELECTRONICS at all from the time you wake up until you go to bed! Get a good book instead and don't forget to retell it when done!

Also, keep track of how long you are reading. For every hour of reading you do at home, please make sure you fill out an hour slip and return it to me to receive a car to hang in our hall! You do not have to read the hour all at once. If you read 23 minutes each night, you can fill one out after the 3rd night! Let's get those slips coming in so we can fill our hallway with cars! :)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! I absolutely love this month and hope to instill a joy of reading in the kiddos!

Have a fantastic week!

P.S. March 12th, which was initially scheduled for as a no school day has been changed to a full day due to snow days! Please help ensure you child is in school to learn on Wednesday, March 12th!