Thursday, October 30, 2014

Please Check Folders!

Good Evening!

Please make sure to check daily folders! I sent home a lot of important information today with the kiddos!

Tomorrow will be our classroom Halloween Party and Costume Parade! Once again, our schedule is a little different than the building.
          10:10-10:20 Costume Change
          10:20-10:50 Halloween Party in Classroom
          10:55-11:30 Gym Class (Students Only)
          11:30-12:00 School Costume Parade
          12:00 Dismissal

Please have your child bring their costume to school to leave in their lockers until we change at snack time! Also, please make sure you child knows where they will be going at the end of the day!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Congratulations 1st graders in room 29! We sold the most beef sticks for the fall fundraiser and therefore will be duct taping Mrs. Schmitt to the wall on Friday morning! WAY TO GO ROCK STARS!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week Eight!

I continue to wonder where our days go! The saying, "time flies when you are having fun" has definitely been sticking out in my mind lately! We are continuing to grow as 1st graders each day!

We spent another week building our list of strategies to use when we come to a tricky word in our reading. We learned that we can chunk the word into parts which we called "chunky monkey" or use a few strategies together to solve those tricky words! It is really making a difference in our reading when we can use these strategies!

Partner reading is going great too! The kids are helping each other and continuing to practice their storyteller's voice!

We finished our first unit in writing this week! Each student chose one Small Moment Story to edit and fancy up to share with the class. We will have a chance to share with classmates on Monday! I will send home their special pieces once I have a chance to look more closely at them! Our next unit will focus on revising our writing. This will be a more challenging unit for 1st graders, but I am confident the students will do great and learn a lot!

We played a game called "One Minute Challenge" this week! We had to visit this lesson for two days to make sure we were understanding it. There were a lot of steps to follow, but we caught on more confidently the second time around. We had to make estimates, count and then record the data we collected!

Congratulations to River who had the closest estimation of gummy bears. There were a total of 47 gummy bears in the container and River guessed 44! We will try again this week with another set of gummy bears!

Nutrition in Action
Mrs. Lambert taught us about the vegetable and fruit portions of My Plate! Ask your child how many servings of fruits and veggies they should have each day! Here is a clue...your hand is a reminder! The kids tried Cucumber Sammies for their snack. I was very surprised how many kids were very hesitant to try the three foods together, but actually liked it once they tried it! We also got to get up and move like different animals!

We will not have Nutrition in Action next week since we have a half day on Friday with noon dismissal!
Blake was moving like a bear! 

We will be having our classroom Halloween party and costume parade on Friday, October 31st. Here is our schedule for those events!
          10:20-10:50 Classroom Party
          10:55-11:31 Gym (students only)
          11:30-12:00 School Costume Parade
Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend! I will ask that those that come to the party let the class go to gym alone!
Students should bring their costumes to school and will change into them before our party! Remember that weapons and fake blood are not allowed. I look forward to a fun time!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Have a fantastic last week of October!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Snow Plow Safety!

We learned about how to stay safe this winter when the snow plows are out! Make sure to ask your child what some rules are to keep safe!

We even got to see an actual plow truck and were able to sign our names on the blades!

Thank-you to the Road Commission for their visit today!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week at a Glance!

We had another fantastic week in first grade with a whole lot of learning and fun!

We welcomed a new student to our class on Thursday! Kaiden fit in great and has began to make many friends! We are very excited to have him in our classroom!

We started a new unit in reading this week where we were able to start learning different strategies to help us solve tricky words! We learned to start by doing work with our book before even reading the words! We looked at the cover, title and back of the book and thought about what the story might be about. We then took a picture walk through the book. This is when we only look at the pictures to get a clue as to who is in the story, what might be happening and where it is taking place. This was all done before we even read a word! When your child is reading with you at home, have them practice this before reading work! We learned that it can help us solve some of those tricky words.

We also learned that we can look for parts of words we already know to solve tricky words. For example, since we know the word "is" in a snap because it is a sight word, we could solve the word "his" by just adding the /h/ sound to "is"!

We continued to work on our Small Moment stories this week! We learned about editing our writing by going back and making sure we have correct spelling and punctuation. We then did a review lesson on stretching our words to make sure we had all the sounds we hear written on paper. We talked about how it is okay if it is not the exact spelling, but that we have to make sure to write every single sound we hear so that others can read our writing.

Math had us counting a lot this week! We discussed how to count effectively when we have a large set of objects! We decided that putting the objects in groups of tens and then counting the groups was the best way when we have a large set! Mrs. Schmitt came into our room too and was able to see how we were counting this way! She taped this during her visit! Awesome job first graders!

Nutrition in Action!
This week Mrs. Lambert taught us about the protein group on My Plate! We learned that cereal, bread, pancakes and pizza crust are examples of proteins we might eat! We then were able to create pizzas following a certain recipe! Our special treat this week was a veggie pita. It had homemade ranch dressing, pretzels, spinach and a piece of red pepper inside a pita! It was a big hit even with the kiddos who were a little hesitate before taking their no thank-you bit! 

Extra Recess!
CONGRATULATIONS to our 1st grade class! We earned our first extra recess of the year for receiving 20 class S.T.A.R slips! We got an extra 15 minutes outside with the playground to ourselves on Thursday! We are working towards a second extra recess which we will get when we earn another 20 class S.T.A.R slips! Keep up the super work!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October Book Order!

Reminder that the October Book Order is due tomorrow! If you spend $10 you can get a free book up to $5 with the coupon I sent home! You can also place your order online at Our classroom code is MCJY6! Happy Reading!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

First Grade Learning!

We have been engaged in so much learning throughout the first six weeks of school! It is amazing to me to see how much these kiddos have grown already and how much of a community of learners we have! I believe if you ask your child they will tell you that it is true that we are a team in room 29! I absolutely love it! Here are a few highlights from our learning so far! My hope is to add more and more to this blog so you feel a part of your child's learning!

We have spent a lot of time building our reading stamina! We are up to reading 15 minutes independently with books that are "just right"! Amazing! We have also spent a lot of time reading and talking with our partner about reading! It is such an awesome sight to look around the room during partner reading time and see the kids helping each other through tricky parts or discussing the books they are reading! Partner reading is allowing us to continue to practice building our reading stamina! Please make sure to read with you child at least 23 minutes and practice the 1st grade sight words each night! It can make a huge difference in your child's reading!

We are continuing to work on creating Small Moment stories that are focused on one particular time in our lives! We have used our hand as a planning tool to ensure we have a beginning, middle and end! We will continue to work hard on adding details and making sure our pieces are readable this coming week!

The excitement that I see in the students' eyes during math is inspiring to me! They get so excited to work with other students to solve problems and build their sense of numbers! We have worked a lot with the 99 chart and have been able to play a few games using the chart! I will be sending one of the games home tomorrow! We are getting much more confident in solving basic addition word problems! We will start working on subtraction word problems this coming week! We also will continue to learn how to effectively collect, record and read data!

We have also been able to work through math stations a few days! These stations help us reinforce topics that we have already been taught!

Nutrition in Action
Friday was our first lesson with Mrs. Lambert from the YMCA! We learned about "My Plate" and brainstormed some ideas of foods that fall into each part of the plate! We also listened to a story called "I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato." It is a silly story about trying new foods! We then got to try apple pie in a cup! Most of the kids loved it!

What you can do at home to help your child!
- Read for at least 23 Minutes each night
- Practice Sight Word List 1 or beyond each night
- Practice counting on from different numbers and go to 120
         (Example: start at 37 and go to 120, Start at 56 and go to 120)
- Practice writing of lower and upper case letters
         (Make sure each letter is facing the correct way!)

Thank you for all of your work at home! If you every have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!